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  Berenice Abbott

  Acme News Pictures

  Ansel Adams

  Laure Albin-Guillot

  Thomas Annan


  Eleanor Antin

  Eugene Atget

  Charles Aubry

  Kurt Baasch

  Lewis Baltz

  Jessie Tarbox Beals

  William Bell

  Bell Photo and Rise Studio

  Hans Bellmer

  Ruth Bernhard

  John Bertolino

  Ilse Bing

  James Wallace Black

  Margaret Bourke-White

  Marcel Bovis

  Mathew Brady

  Constantin Brancusi

  Bill Brandt


  Manuel Alvarez Bravo

  Lola Alvarez Bravo

  Anne Brigman

  Zoe Brown

  Francis Bruguiere

  Wynn Bullock

  Pol Bury

  Paul Cadmus

  Harry Callahan

  Henri Cartier-Bresson

  Pere Catala Pic

  Desiré Charnay

  Benjamen Chinn

  Alvin Langdon Coburn

  John Collins

  Colton Studios

  Larry Colwell

  Will Connell

  Carlotta M. Corpron

  Harold Haliday Costain

  Imogen Cunningham

  William E. Dassonville

  Margo Davis

  Robert Doisneau

  Nell Dorr

  Frantisek Drtikol

  Thomas Eakins or School of Thomas Eakins

  Harold E. Edgerton

  Frank Espada

  Frederick Evans

  Walker Evans

  Benjamin J. Falk Photography Studio, New York

  Gerard Petrus Fieret

  John H. Fitzgibbon

  William Henry Fox-Talbot

  Robert Frank

  Jaromir Funke

  Hector Garcia

  George Gardner

  William Garnett

  Arnold Genthe

  Mario Giacomelli

  Laura Gilpin

  Gledhill Studios

  Emmet Gowin

  Johan Hagemeyer

  Heinz Hajek-Halke

  Philippe Halsman

  Pat Harris

  William Heick

  John Helsby (attributed)

  Hill & Adamson

  John Hillers

  Lewis Hine

  Hy Hirsh

  Bob Hollingsworth

  Don Hong-Oai

  Helen Howell

  Phinneas S. Hunt

  C.W. Huston

  Philip Hyde

  IZIS (Bidermanas)

  William Henry Jackson

  Lotte Jacobi

  Peter A. Juley & Son [Paul Juley]

  Consuelo Kanaga

  Gertrude Kasebier

  Joseph Keiley

  Gyorgy Kepes

  Andre Kertesz

  Edmund Kesting

  Barbara Kozlowska

  Germaine Krull

  Heinrich Kuhn

  Anna Kutera

  Andrej Lachowicz

  Dorothea Lange

  Clarence John Laughlin

  Russell Lee

  Natalia LL [Lach-Lachowicz]

  Eli Lotar

  Zoe Lowenthal (Brown)

  George Platt Lynes

  Danny Lyon

  C. Cameron Macauley

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  Werner Mantz

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  Lisette Model

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  Nata Piaskowski

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  Richard Pousette-Dart

  Ernest M. Pratt

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  Frederick William Quandt

  Achille Léon Quinet

  Albert Renger-Patzsch

  Marcia Resnick

  Frederick De Bourg Richards

  Alfred Richter

  George Gardner Rockwood

  Werner Rohde

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  Charles Savage

  Sherill V. Schell

  Eberhard Schrammen

  Paul Schuitema

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  Musya Sheeler

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  Arthur Siegel

  Arthur Siegel

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  W. Eugene Smith

  Frederick Sommer

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  A.F. Sozio

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  Alfred Stieglitz

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  Karl Struss

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  Isaiah West Taber

  Lew Thomas

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  Doris Ulmann

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  Alfredo Valente

  Willard Van Dyke

  Pim van Os

  Carl Van Vechten

  James Vanderzee

  Geza Vandor

  Roman Vishniac

  Baron Wilhelm Von Gloeden

  George Wallace

  Carleton E. Watkins

  Charles L. Weed


  Brett Weston

  Edward Weston

  Clarence White

  Minor White

  John Claude White

  Charles Wong

  George B. Wood

  Max Yavno

  Harold Zegart

Click the box () beside a subject to see photographs posted on this website related to the subject.

  19th Century





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  Artist Studio

  Artists Portrait Collection


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  California School of Fine Arts





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  Harbors or Docks


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  New York City or State



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  Post 1970



  Recreation or Sports


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  Salt Print

  San Francisco









  Still Life

  Street Scenes



  Travel or Exploration



  Viet Nam

  Water or Waves




Click the box () beside an artists’s name to see photographs posted on this website of this artist.

  Ivan Albright

  Thomas Hart Benton

  Karl Bodmer

  Edward Borein

  Gutzon Borglum

  Jean Cocteau

  Maynard Dixon

  Frank Duvenek

  Thomas Eakins

  Max Ernst

  Claire Falkenstein

  Henry Farnay

  Nicolai Fechin

  Daniel Chester French

  Thomas Hill

  Malvina Hoffman

  Rebecca Salsbury Strand James

  John Frederick Kensett

  Yasuo Kuniyoshi

  Paul Manship

  John Marin

  Reginald Marsh

  Clara Taggert McChesney

  Thomas Moran

  Barnett Newman

  Rembrandt Peale

  Gottardo Piazzoni

  Jackson Pollock

  Diego Rivera

  Norman Rockwell

  Charles Sheeler

  John Sloan

  Joseph Stella

  Thomas Sully

  Yves Tanguy

  Pavel Tchelitchew

  Bessie Potter Vonnoh

  Max Weber

  Carl Ferdinand Wimar

  Alexander H. Wyant

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